PM Outside the Box

With the growing popularity of social media platforms and their use as a key form of communication, I oftentimes find myself scrolling through timelines, updating statuses, and watching cat videos on mediums such as LinkedIn , Facebook , and Twitter . If you tend to do the same, I'm sure you have noticed a spike in quizzes that are supposed to either: a.) tell you something you already know about yourself or, b.) provide you with some result that makes you wonder "who the hell is this thing talking about". While these quizzes are sometimes just for fun and usually completely ridiculous, I recently came across a quiz while browsing LinkedIn called " What Type of PM Are You ". Considering my role as a technical PM, and a newly certified PMP (woot woot!), I was inclined to answer the questions and see my results. After truthfully answering a series of question which, in my opinion, only scratch the surface of what is required to determine the true management styl...