Enjoy an e-cigarette

The concept of electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, is growing rapidly. Although the number people that puff on these smokeless, tarless, nicotine fixes is still relatively small compared to the number of real cigarette smokers, there are several people that are on board for this "new" phenomena.

The concept of e-cigarettes has actually been around for years.  The earliest concept was actually conceived in 1963 when a man patented a "smokeless non-tobacco cigarette".  His concept replaced the tobacco with paper. That paper was then heated with moist flavored air.  Although various generations of the e-cigarette have been developed, the concept still remains the same.  The modern e-cigarette uses a small battery to vaporise a mixture containing nicotine and an organic solution similar to alcohol.  This produces a "smoke-like" vapor that smokers can inhale, providing the same delivery and effect of smoking a traditional cigarette.

Although no cigarette can actually be considered "safe" for individuals that refuse to believe that they can kick the habit, this is a safe alternative when you weight the options. First, vapor is a lot more pure than smoke. Also, electronic cigarettes do not contain the dangerous chemicals that are inhaled when smoking real cigarettes. E-cigarettes are not necessarily banned in the U.S., but some places still do not allow them inside. Electronic cigarettes are also less expensive than traditional cigarette habits.  An electronic cigarette, on average, lasts approximately a month. Aside from the ability to save millions of lives and consumer dollars a year, there are other benefits to the modern electronic cigarette. The vapor, (since it is NOT smoke burning from tar, carbon monoxide, ammonia, methanol, and other crazy chemicals) is odorless. Vapor cannot create second hand smoke to create a hazard for people around you.

Even with all these benefits, there are still people that are completely against this idea. Although I personally do not smoke anything of any kind (tobacco, weed, k2, crack, whatever) I feel like some people should shut up and accept that the pros outweigh the cons this time. I have not come across a single legitimate reason about why people should not be allowed to smoke electronic cigarettes. I do agree, however, that no smoking of any kind she be allowed in restaurants and bars. Leave that at the hookah bar, cigar lounge or take your ass outside.

1.  Some people simply feel that electronic cigarettes are "gateways" to the real thing.

Lets be real. People that do not practice a particular habit, are not knowledgeable, and are wussies think everything is a gateway to something. People do things and start new, more dangerous habits because of their own lack of self control. Stay in your lane.

2.  Other people believe that the flavor (yes, they come in flavors) in the electronic cigarette make them more appealing to children.

Why would your child ever know what an electronic cigarette tastes like? How would they know that its flavored unless you share that information with them? What kid buys an electronic cigarette? These are things that are of the parent's concern, and the parent of the electronic cigarette smoking child needs to evaluate his or her own parenting skills. You can not simply blame everyone else for your child's electronic cigarette addiction. You don't want want your child to smoke? It starts at home. Lead by example. Tell them about the harmful effects of smoking. It is YOUR job to protect them. Not necessarily the public.

3.  Lobbyist don't want people to do anything that even resembles smoking.

The reality is that people are never going to stop smoking.  I'm not even going to waste time coming up with a wager if they get everyone in the world to stop smoking, because it is not going to happen. There are too many things to puff on that resemble cigarette smoking: Cloves, Black & Milds, Al Capones, Cigarillos, blunts. The electronic cigarette is a safer alternative. Your reason is just not realistic.

To restrict the sale of electronic cigarettes, but continue to make billions of dollars in revenue in regular tobacco is inane to me. This shows a lot about how much government officials (inside and outside of the U.S.) really care about the health of their citizens. Clearly, the main reason for the backlash against the electronic cigarette is the mighty dollar bill. I guess the health benefits of the public will never be able to outweigh the financial benefit of large companies, the government, and those being regulated by it.


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