Google Glass Winner...Psyche!


I was going to wait until tomorrow to talk about this, but I just HAD to express myself after coming across several articles and pictures about Google, this Project Glass nonsense, and the selection process.  As many of you may have already heard, after inviting 8,000 people to their "Explorer Program", they ended up having to disqualify several of the invitees. 

Both parties, Google and the applicants, are at fault here. First, it is the fault of the applicants for not looking for further information concerning the terms of the application process. These idiots simply saw that they could tweet and post to Google+ using the hash tag #ifihadglass and began tapping away at their keyboards and phones.  Many of the applicants failed to realize that this is NOT a free trial or give away, and were surprised when they learned that they would be expected to pay full price ($1,500 from what I've read) for the "Glass" product. But how can you blame google for charging for these expensive frames? In case you haven't heard, Google is expected to dish out $7 million to settle complaints in regards to personal data that was inadvertently collected with its "Street View" cars during a project they were doing in the town of Namie-machie in Japan. While I'm sure they easily agreed to pay these settlements (this project was for a good cause), it does not put them in a position to want to just give away 8,000 pairs of $1500 glasses.

Google is also at fault. Although I'm sure they may (or may not) have put it somewhere in fine print that there would be a fee associated with being a participant in this program, I'm sure they did not make this clear. To be put simply, if Google was going to accept applications via Twitter and Google+, they should have put forth more effort to make the terms clear via these social networks.  Also, the group in charge of the selection process for Project Glass should have done better planning. These people (I'll assume they are Google employees), did not appear to have any sort of method to their madness. They selected people at random. One of the invitees selected even said  "#ifihadglass I'd cut a bitch".  While I find this hilarious, clearly this man should not have been selected to participate.

These mistakes resulted in the disqualification of several applicants. Based on a post I saw earlier today on Google+, they appear to be accepting applications again. It is not very clear because the Google Glass website says otherwise.

For now, please enjoy this link and article that inspired me to write this blog post. You have to look at the pictures. They will have you pissing your pants. Enjoy.

PC Mag: 10 Odd Google #ifihadglass Winners


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